MSI Keeper 945GME V2.0 User Manual
Page 35

Hardware Setup
Sample Code (M ethod 2: LPC Mode)
Control LPC LAN
mov al,0fh
;Select LPC Mode (bit 4 =1)
mov dx,005eh
out dx,al
Note: bit 0 = 1, change LAN 1, 2 to bypass,
bit 0 = 0, change LAN 1, 2 to normal (power on status)
bit 1 = 1, change LAN 3, 4 to bypass,
bit 1 = 0, change LAN 3, 4 to normal (power on status)
bit 2 = 1, change LAN 1, 2 to bypass,
bit 2 = 0, change LAN 1, 2 to normal (power off status)
bit 3 = 1, change LAN 3, 4 to bypass,
bit 3 = 0, change LAN 3, 4 to normal (power off status)
Watch Dog function setup sample code
mov dx, 4Eh
;Send "87" twice to IO port 4Eh
mov al, 87h
;to unlock SIO.
out dx, al
out dx, al
mov dx, 4Eh
mov al, 2Dh
out dx, al
mov dx, 4Fh
in al, dx
and al, 11111110b
;Set PIN77 to WDTO#
out dx, al
mov dx, 4Eh
;Choose LDN8
mov al, 07h
out dx, al
mov dx, 4Fh
mov al, 08h
out dx, al
mov dx, 4Eh
;Set to enable
mov al, 30h
out dx, al
mov dx, 4Fh
mov al, 01h
out dx, al
mov dx, 4Eh
;Enable WDTO# and set to KBRST#
mov al, 0F7h
out dx, al
mov dx, 4Fh
in al, dx
and al, 0F7h
;CR 0F7h bit4 --> 0 (clear event)
out dx, al
;CR 0F6h bit0--7 : Set counter time
;CR 0F5h bit1 --> 1 (Enable WDTO# and KBRST#)
bit3 ---> 0 (Second mode), 1 (Minute mode)
mov dx, 4Eh
;Exit SIO access and lock it up.
mov al, 0AAh
out dx, al
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