MSI MS-9297 User Manual

Page 70

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BIOS Setup


BIOS Setup


Trusted Computing

TCG/TPM Support

Ths settng controls the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) desgned by the

Trusted Computng Group (TCG). TPMs are specal-purpose ntegrated cr-

cuts (ICs) bult nto a varety of platforms to enable strong user authentca-

ton and machne attestaton -- essental to prevent napproprate access to

confidential and sensitive information and to protect against compromised


Execute TPM Command

TPM commands are managed through a chld node of the TPM Management

console named Command Management. To block or allow a TPM command

is a task that local administrators can perform during the setup or re-configu-

raton of a TPM-equpped computer.

TPM Enable/Disable Status

Ths settng dsplays the TPM enable/dsable status. Read only.

TPM Owner Status

Ths settng shows the TPM ownershp. Read only.