Group listing, Group listing 36 – Atlantis DISKMASTER NAS65020 User Manual

Page 36

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Group Listing

In this section you can see and modify all the groups existing in the DiskMaster.

To modify an account click on the icon Edit (

) at the

corresponding row.

The screen below will appear.

You can modify all the following fields: Group, Quota, Disable
FTP/File Server, Homepage.

Check Apply Settings if you modify the following fieldsi:
Quota, Disable FTP/File Server, Homepage.
Click Save to make permanent the configuration.

To remove a group simply tick the box of the left of the name

(Group) and then click on Delete.
The Group Sysadmin can’t be deleted.

When a group is deleted, all members are eliminated. Make
sure that the group you want to delete hasn’t active members

(these can be moved to another group, refer to Account