Formatting the 1st hard disk – Atlantis DISKMASTER NAS65020 User Manual
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There are 2 differents RAID mode:
RAID 0: RAID 0, known as disk striping, has generally
the best performance, but does not offer any redundancy.
In this level, data is broken into small units called sectors,
and sectors are distributed across all disks in the array. As
it does not provide any data protection, if any disk in the
array fails then all data in the array is lost. Such stripes
allocation allows to enhance I/O performance.
RAID 1: RAID Level 1, known as disk mirroring, is a
popular approach to protect data from adisk failure. To
implement RAID Level 1, you need at least two physical
hard drives. As the disks are paired up, all disk writes are
duplicated on both disks. You can back up data without
interruption using this algorithm. In case of a disk failure,
the system can continue to run without being affected.
Formatting the 1st Hard Disk
Tap Cancel button on last dialogue box, the screen will display all the hard disk
information and availability.
Please select one of the hard disk to buildup system disk (if You instaled 2 HDD),
and press Format button.
Disk formation is a critical operation of DiskMaster, please aware the notice the
message shown as the popup dialogue box. Click OK to start disk formatting.
Disk formatting procedure includes 3 steps: Disk Partition, Disk Formatting and
System Build up. It will take longer time to complete the procedure as the disk
capacity getting larger. Please be patient to wait for its completion.
When formatting completed, the system disk of DiskMaster has been established
also, and the message on the screen will be: