Kramer Electronics VP-790 User Manual

Page 13

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VP-790 Warp Generator –

Warp Generator




The Grid Editing Area

The Grid Editing control box includes editing tools for the entire grid:

Rotation (clockwise)

In the Rotate box, type in the number of degrees you require the grid to rotate, then
click the Rotate button.

Note that the rotation degree that is set is always relative to the
original setting of the grid (a new or a downloaded file). The rotation
occurs around the center of the editable area.
For example, applying a 45 degree rotation twice will not result in a
90 degree rotation but a 45 degree one.

Note that when rotating, the Scale Grid function (described below)
can be used to prevent any cropping of the live video stream if so

Scale Grid

Use the “Scale Grid” to shrink or expand the size of the grid relative to its original
size (a new or a downloaded file) by 50 to 1000%.

For example, applying a 60% scale will shrink the grid by 60%; applying 60% again
will not make any difference to the grid as it is already at 60% of its original size. All
scales are performed as a function of grid point distance from the center of the
editable area.

Selected Point Position

The Selected Point Position displays the horizontal and vertical position of a
selected point.
