2 parameterisation via the handheld type cpx-mmi, Parameterisation via the handheld type cpx−mmi, Parametrisation via the handheld type cpx−mmi – Festo Электрический терминал СРХ User Manual

Page 65

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3. Commissioning


Festo P.BE−CPX−CEC−E N en 1004a


Parameterisation via the handheld type CPX−MMI

The parameters of the CPX terminal can be read and modified
via a connected handheld.

Transfer of the parameterisation to the CPX modules



Parameterisations via the handheld are saved only
locally in the CPX terminal and are lost with Power


The connection with the CPX−MMI is interrupted during a
program download if parameters have been changed via
the CoDeSys provided by Festo software.


Parameters changed by the CPX−MMI and Festo_CPX.lib
are only then overwritten during the project download if
parameter changes have also been made in the CoDeSys

Further information on parameterisation via CPX−MMI can be
found in the manual P.BE−CPX−MMI−1−...

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