RMS Technologies R256 CONTROLLER/DRIVER User Manual
Page 23

9. Troubleshooting
Cannot Type anything in HyperTerminal:
Is the correct COM Port selected? Are you using Windows 95? Windows 95 has had
problems with its HyperTerminal. Use an operating system of Windows 98 or higher.
Are you working on a Laptop? Sometimes there is a shift in Ground on Laptop Serial
Ports. Pin 5 on the Serial Port is Ground. Make sure that this is connected to a true
Did you check the Properties in HyperTerminal? Check the box in Properties ASCII
Settings ASCII setup 'Echo Typed Characters Locally'.
Is the LED flashing on the R256 Controller? A flashing light indicates it is waiting for
Commands and power is OK. Motor shaft should be difficult to rotate.
Check the Converter Card. Use a voltmeter to measure if Power is coming into the
card correctly and if power is being supplied to the Controller properly.
Can Type in HyperTerminal, but nothing is happening:
Check the LED on the top of the R256 unit. If there is no LED lit, the problem may
be the Power Supply, check the connections. If you see one LED that flashes on and
off about 5 seconds at a time, then power is OK.
Is the R256 Controller set to the correct Address? Check the Red Dial (new RoHS
compliant boards have a black dial) on the top of the controller. The white arrow
should be pointing to the corresponding Address. Make sure that the arrow is not
between 2 Addresses. Use a small screw to verify that it clicks in place.
Check the Converter Card. Use a voltmeter to measure if Power is coming into the
card correctly and if power is being supplied to the Controller.
Assuming the Properties of HyperTerminal are set as described in the Manual
(HyperTerminal Setup), does HyperTerminal respond with a string of characters?
indicates that the command is terminated
indicates good command and that it was received correctly
indicates that the command is out of range
indicates bad command
The unit is by default, set to 256 microsteps. Therefore, by typing in a position
move of /1P200R, you will not see anything. It takes 51,200 steps to make one
revolution, so try a large value, like /1P100000R
R256 Controller will accept commands, but the Motor will stall in the middle
of a command:
This means there is not enough current being supplied to the Motor. Use the m
command to change the current, or run the Motor at a Lower Speed (V command).
Or, make the motor accelerate slower using the L command.
RMS Technologies
Page 23
Version 1.05
R256 Controller Manual