RMS Technologies R256 CONTROLLER/DRIVER User Manual

Page 20

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Encoder Usage

The R256 can also be used as reference to home by connecting to an US Digital E2

Encoder. The pinouts are as follows:

Pin Number Function






Channel A


+ 5 VDC


Channel B

Table 9

The E2 encoder requires a separate +5 Volt power supply, as the R256 controller

cannot provide a strong enough source of power.

In order to use the Indexer as a reference to home, connect Pin 2 from the encoder
to one of the inputs on the controller. From the controller’s side, for best results use

Pin 5, the switch closure to ground.

In addition, use a pull-down resistor (10k Ω) to ensure that the controller will
recognize the difference between high and low (4.85V and 0.5V).

Figure 17: Encoder Pin Connection Schematic

After successfully connecting the encoder to the controller, now you can program the
controller to run continuously. The motor will stop movement when the indexer goes

high. This will send the high signal to Pin 5 on the controller.

If using channel 1, use this command to start the homing routine:


RMS Technologies

Page 20

Version 1.05

R256 Controller Manual
