Myron L PS6 User Manual
Page 36

A. Conductivity/TDS Standard Solutions
Your P
has been factory calibrated with the appropriate
Myron L Company NIST traceable KCl, NaCl, and our own 442™ standard
solutions. Most Myron L conductivity standard solution bottles show
three values referenced at 25°C: Conductivity in microsiemens/
micromhos, the ppm/TDS equivalents based on our 442 Natural
Water™ and NaCl standards. All standards are within ±1.0% of reference
solutions. Available in 2 oz., quarts/liters, and gallon/~3.8 liter bottles.
1. Potassium Chloride (KCl)
The concentrations of these reference solutions are calculated from
data in the International Critical Tables, Vol. 6. The 7000 µS is the
recommended standard. Order KCL-7000
2. 442 Natural Water™
442 Natural Water Standard Solutions are based on the following salt
proportions: 40% sodium sulfate, 40% sodium bicarbonate, and 20%
sodium chloride, which represent the three predominant components
(anions) in freshwater. This salt ratio has conductivity characteristics
approximating fresh natural waters and was developed by the Myron L
Company over four decades ago. It is used around the world for
measuring both conductivity and TDS in drinking water, ground water,
lakes, streams, etc. 3000 ppm is the recommended standard.
Order 442-3000
3. Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
This is especially useful in salt water pools and spas, as sodium chloride
is the major salt component. Most Myron L standard solution labels show
the ppm NaCl equivalent to the conductivity and to ppm 442 values. The
7500 ppm is the recommended standard. Order NACL-7500.
B. pH Buffer Solutions
pH buffers are available in pH values of 4, 7 and 10. Myron L Company
buffer solutions are traceable to NIST certified pH references and are
color-coded for instant identification. They are also mold inhibited and
accurate to within ±0.01 pH units @ 25°C. Order 4, 7 or 10 Buffer.
Available in 2 oz., quarts/liters, and gallon/~3.8 liter bottles.
C. pH Sensor Storage Solution
Myron L pH Sensor Storage Solution prolongs the life of the pH sensor.
Available in 2 oz., quarts/liters, and gallon/~3.8 liter bottles.
D. Soft Protective Carry Cases
Padded Nylon® carrying case features a belt clip for hands-free