Fnio s-series – Beijer Electronics NA-9379 User Manual
Page 33

MODBUS Programmable I/O NA-9379
FnIO S-Series
Copyright(C) CREVIS Co.,Ltd Support +82-31-899-4599 URL : www.crevis.co.kr
(1) Run ‘[Crevis] -> [IOGuidePro] -> [Protocol Messenger] -> [Modbus]’
(2) Write the value of each.
*Protocol : Modbus RTU
*ComPort : User Port / Baudrate : 38400(default)
: 1606 (RS232 Baudrate Register)
:1607 (RS232 Use bit Setting Register)
:1608 (RS485 Baudrate Register)
:1609 (RS485 Use bit Setting Register)
*Function(Dec) : When the value is write - 16, Write Multiple registers
When the value is read - 03, Read Holding Registers
(3) confirm the necessary information.
*When the value is write *When the value is read
write the desired value and click the Send button. Click the Send button and confirm the value.