Productionview fx overview – Vaddio ProductionVIEW FX User Manual

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ProductionVIEW FX

ProductionVIEW FX Manual 341-451 Rev. C

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ProductionVIEW FX Overview

Like the original ProductionVIEW, the ProductionVIEW FX
incorporates all of the same matrix video switching, camera
preset control and joystick camera control functionality that
has made the ProductionVIEW one of the most fully
featured video consoles on the market today. In addition to
the ProductionVIEW’s feature rich platform, the new
ProductionVIEW FX (Figure 1) delivers user selectable,
frame synchronized transitions that are completely
seamless, professional and without compromise in quality.

Among the included transitions are straight cuts, fades (in and out), cross fades (one image fading into
another) and wipes (up, down, side to side and corner). The user can select the transition and the
transition time, up to four seconds, to automatically activate as the inputs are switched on the main and
preview buses. The ProductionVIEW FX is extremely clean, extraordinarily powerful and remarkably
easy to use. Once again, the overall value of the ProductionVIEW FX is unmatched in today’s camera
control, video mixing and video switching market.

 The ProductionVIEW FX’s unique attributes start with Joystick control of up to six (6) PTZ cameras

directly (without daisy chaining) and the six discrete camera control ports auto-sense the PTZ camera
attached. Whether it is Sony® or Canon® or Vaddio PTZ cameras, the ProductionVIEW FX senses
the cameras attached and provides for seamless control of the camera functions.

 Video transitions are user selectable and include the most popular, real world transition effects that

are used every day in video productions. In the menus, the user can activate fades, cross fades,
wipes as well as using the main bus off control to fade to black to end a video production segment.
The transition times are assignable from zero (0) to four (4) seconds. The ProductionVIEW FX uses
FPGAs (field programmable gate arrays) for producing both pristine cuts and exceptionally smooth
transitions providing for a professional video performance and amazingly clean video throughput.

 The inclusion of an internal 6 x 2 Video Switcher (for Preview and Main) and a built-in 4” LCD Video

screen set the ProductionVIEW FX apart allowing complete monitoring of both Main and Preview
sources at the touch of a button. Both the Main and Preview outputs are given S-Video, Composite
Video outputs and Stereo Audio outputs for Audio-follow-Video applications.

 Each of the six camera inputs has been provided with twelve (12) camera presets that are stored

internally to the ProductionVIEW FX or six (6) in the camera and six (6) in the FX. Each input also
has S-Video or composite video inputs. Inputs 5 & 6 have stereo audio inputs for DVD or VCR inputs.

 Each of the six cameras can also be adjusted individually for the environment in which it operates

with auto/manual focus, auto/manual brightness, backlight compensation and one-push automatic
white balance. The camera control ports are RJ-45F and are easily connected to the Vaddio camera
packages using the Vaddio Cat. 5 wiring standard.

 The ProductionVIEW FX is equipped with an Automatic Camera Switching Mode like the Vaddio

ControlVIEW products. Cameras 1 and 2 can have six presets each assigned to input triggers like
TouchVIEW™ buttons, StepVIEW™ Mats or AutoVIEW™ Active IR ceiling mount sensors. Or,
Camera 1 can be configured to respond to all 12 input triggers alone. Cameras 3 through 6 are
configured to each accept a single trigger for preset activation as well.

 The ProductionVIEW FX also has 4 assignable Logic outputs for controlling external A/V or RGB

switchers as well.

Key Technical Features:

Camera Auto-Sensing - The ProductionVIEW FX is capable of identifying through auto-sensing of

each camera attached. Control codes for the following cameras are built-in:

 Vaddio WallVIEW Series Cameras

 Vaddio CeilingVIEW 70 PTZ Series Cameras

 Vaddio HideAway Series Cameras

 Vaddio CeilingVIEW & CeilingVIEW Mega-Pro

 Vaddio Model Series and PTZCam Series Cameras

 Sony EVI-HD1, EVI-D30, EVI-D100 & EVI-D70 & Sony BRC-300 & BRC-H700

 Canon VC-C50i & VC-C50iR

Figure 1:

ProductionVIEW FX Camera Control Console