Appendix 1, Api and programming language – Vaddio ProductionVIEW FX User Manual
Page 13

ProductionVIEW FX
ProductionVIEW FX Manual 341-451 Rev. C
Page 13 of 16
Appendix 1
A) RS-232
The ProductionVIEW FX has six (6) discrete camera control ports which eliminates the need for daisy-
chaining control cabling. With both the ProductionVIEW and ProductionVIEW FX, all cabling
configurations are home-run type or “star” wiring configurations. Each Channel will auto-configure the
input channel for video signal and control for the camera attached.
Vaddio uses very simple control protocols to accomplish custom programming with the ProductionVIEW
and ProductionVIEW FX. The Communication Specification, API and Programming Language are listed
below and definitions are listed on the next page thereafter.
Communication Specification
Communication Speed: 9600 bps (default)
Start bit: 1
Stop bit: 1
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Female DB-9 Control Port Pin-outs
Pin 2:
Pin 3:
Pin 5:
API and Programming Language
Firmware Version V02.01.07)
| Vaddio ProductionVIEW FX |
|? - This menu |
+--------------- System -----------------------------------------------------+
|SetDefault x- Set Default Preset(1-12) |Config - List Config Settings|
|DefaultCam x- Set Default Camera(1-6) |ClearAll - Clear all presets |
|ExtTrigger x- Combine (AllCam1/Cam1&2) |Reset - 'CPU'Reset |
|ExtDir x- Ext Preset Dir(In/Out) |TimeDelay x- Default Timer(0-60) |
|Rescan - Re-Scan for Cameras |RescanV - Re-Scan video Ports |
|DspCams x- List connected cameras |Version - Firmware Version |
|Power x- Power(On/Off) |PreviewIn x- Preview Source (1-6)|
|Display x- Display (Main/Preview/Off) |MainIn x- Main Src(0,1-6)0=Off|
|CamFolPrv x- CamSel->Preview (Yes/No) |SerialEcho x- Echo Serial (Yes/No)|
|CBIdleDsp x- ColorBars on No Cam(On/Off)|SysMode x- (Manual/Auto) |
|MainOffTm x- Time in tenths (00-40) |SerialInfo x- Status (On/Off) |
|TiltMaxSpd x- Tilt Speed Range (1-24) |PanMaxSpd x- Pan Spd Range(1-24) |
|PresetLoc x- Store Preset (InCam/Lcl) |VideoMode x- Video Mode(NTSC/PAL)|
|TranTime x- Time in tenths (00-40) | |
|TranSel x- Effect select: 0:None, 1:CrossFade, 2:Horiz R>L, 3:Horiz L>R, |
| 4:Vert T>B, 5:Vert B>T, 6:Corner UL>BR, 7:Corner BR>UL |
+--------------- Pan, Tilt, Zoom----------+----------------------------------|
|InvertPan x- Invert Pan Dir(Yes/No) |PanSpeed x-Pan Speed(1-24) |
|InvertTilt x- Invert TIlt Dir(Yes/No) |TiltSpeed x-Tilt Speed(1-20) |
|InvertZoom x- Invert Zoom Dir(Yes/No) |OnCamInit x- (Home/Preset12) |
+--------------- Camera ------------------+----------------------------------|
|Camera x- Switch to Camera(1-6) |Preset x-Go to Preset(1-12) |
|Zoom x- Zoom (In/Out/Stop) |Store x-Store Preset(1-12) |
|Focus x- Focus(Auto/Near/Far/Stop) |BLC x-BacklightComp(On,Off)|
|Bright x- Bright(Auto,Up,Down) |AWB x-AutoWhiteBal(On,Off) |
|Move x- Move(Up,Down,Stop,Left,Right)|Pass(cr)(Camera command string) |