HOUNO KPE & CPE User Manual
Page 18

CPE & KPE – ver. 3.x – August 2009
Return to previous
Yellow frame moves to
the left (A)
Yellow frame moves to
the right (A)
Temperature up in
current step
Increase time in
current step
Temperature down in
current step
Reduce time in current
Access to core tempe-
rature in current step
Start programme
Return to work menu
Starting program
(A) Note the location of the yellow square. Only that particular step in the programme can
now be edited in terms of time, temperature, fan/exhaust, core temperature and possibly
humidity content (ClimaOptima).
Any changes you may have made to the programme are saved in the current run only.
If no changes have been made, press ON and the programme runs according to the settings.
Access to fan and
exhaust in current step
Setting of humidity
content in Clima-
Optima (if mode is