Warranty registration – AeroBed Premier IntelliWarmth Cover User Manual

Page 14

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1. ❑ Mr. ❑ Mrs. ❑ Ms.

First name: ________________________ Initial: ______ Last name: ______________________

2. Address: ______________________________________________________________________Apt. #: ______________

3. Town/City:_________________________________________State:_____ Zip:_______ Phone: (_____) ______________

4. Email address:_______________________________________________________________________________________

5. Date of Purchase:______________ Product name: _______________________________ Model #:_________________

6. Place of Purchase: ❑ TV/Informercial ❑ Catalog ❑ Web Site ❑ Retail Store (specify)___________ ❑ Other___________

7. Where did you learn about your




a. ❑ Television

b. ❑ Home shopping program

(e.g. QVC or HSN)

c. ❑ Retailer ad

d. ❑ In-store video

e. ❑ Other in store information

(signage, specials, etc.)

f. ❑ Website

g. ❑ Friend or relative’s


h. ❑ Catalog

i. ❑ Was a gift

j. ❑ Something else


8. Check who will use this product :

a. ❑ You

b. ❑ Spouse
c. ❑ Children
d. ❑ Other family members

e. ❑ Loan to others

f. ❑ Visiting guests
g. ❑ Someone else __________________

9. Check your present income level:

a. ❑ Under $25,000
b. ❑ $20,001 - $25,000
c. ❑ $25,001 - $30,000
d. ❑ $30,001 - $35,000
e. ❑ $35,001 - $40,000
f. ❑ $40,001 - $50,000
g. ❑ $50,001 - $60,000
h. ❑ $60,001 - $70,000
i. ❑ $70,001 - $80,000
j. ❑ $80,001 - $100,000
k. ❑ over $100,001
l. ❑ No response

10. What are the main reasons you chose

an aero product over another brand?
(check all that apply)
a. ❑ Reputable brand/quality company
b. ❑ Durable/long lasting
c. ❑ Convenient to use
d. ❑ Good value/affordable
e. ❑ Product features
f. ❑ More comfortable
g. ❑ Good for camping
h. ❑ Going on vacation
i. ❑ Stylish
j. ❑ Received as gift

11. Do you currently own any other




Yes, please specify:_____________


12. If you purchased a bed, do you or

other members of your household use
it as an everyday bed?



Please take the time to fill out all warranty information. This information is for internal
use only. No information provided will be sold or distributed to soliciting organizations.
This information is strictly used to help us better serve our customers.

Por favor llene toda la información de la garantía. Esta información es solamente para uso interno. Ninguna
información será vendida o distribuida a otras organizaciones que la soliciten. Esta información será utilizada
estrictamente para ayudarnos a atender mejor a nuestros clientes.

Veuillez remplir le formulaire de garantie pour nous aider à mieux vous servir. Ces informations ne sont
destinées qu'à un usage interne. Aucune des informations fournies ne pourra être commercialisée ou
communiquée à des organisations qui en feraient la demande. Ces informations servent uniquement à nous
permettre de mieux servir nos clients.




1) Cut along dotted line. 2) Fill out.

3) Return within 10 days of purchase.

1) Corte por la raya punteada. 2) Llene la información. 3 ) Envíe dentro de 10 días después de la compra.

1) Découpez suivant le pointillé. 2) Complétez le questionnaire. 3) Postez dans les 10 jours qui suivent l'achat.