Sony SAT-T60 User Manual

Page 106

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Most of these options erase information and restore your Receiver’s original, factory
settings. These actions cannot be undone. Typically, you will not have reason to use
them. When you SELECT any of these actions, a warning screen appears. To cancel
the action, leave the warning screen (for example, by pressing LEFT arrow or the
LIVE TV button). To complete the action, you must press THUMBS DOWN three
times, then press ENTER. This safety code helps ensure that your system is not reset
accidentally. (Even if your cat tap dances on your remote control.)

This selection shuts down the Receiver and then starts it up
again. It will not affect recorded programs, your Season Passes, WishLists or

$$. If you call customer support with a technical problem, you may be
asked to restart the Receiver.

& $ *$$ This selection removes all Thumb ratings
and deletes the list of

$$under"$ &*. It does not


$$ that have been recorded and are in the3! $%.

! $ & *;&$*$ This selection clears all program
guide data (details of which shows will play on which channels), cancels all Season
Passes and any scheduled recordings, and removes all Thumb ratings. It does not
delete programs in the

3! $%. A screen informs you that the Receiver will

begin gathering new program data. In one or two days, the Receiver should have up to
two weeks of new program data.

! 5!!$ **$ If Parental Controls are on, you must enter the
current password to complete this selection. This selection clears all

3! $%

recordings, the Program Guide data, the Receiver’s

% and recording history,

all Season Passes, WishLists, Thumb ratings,

$$, and setup

information. It also clears the current password and resets

!!to the

factory specified default. Completing this process may take over an hour.


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SONY COMBO 2 Page 95 Friday, December 1, 2000 12:05 PM