Automatic callback, Canceling automatic callback, Automatic intercom – Avaya DEFINITY 4606 User Manual

Page 30: Automatically placing another call to an

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Issue 1 July 2001

Automatic Callback

The Automatic Callback feature sends your phone a priority ring, indicating the
previously busy or unanswered extension you dialed is now available. Note that if
you initiate call forwarding after activating Automatic Callback, returned calls
(callbacks) are not forwarded, and ring at your phone.

Automatically placing another call to an
extension that was busy or did not answer, or in
response to a returned call waiting ringback tone

1. During a call attempt, press the button your System Administrator has

designated for Automatic Callback.

Three tones indicate Automatic Callback is active.

2. Hang up.

You hear a priority ring when both your phone and the number you called
are available. The display shows the message "Callback."

3. When you hear the priority ring, lift the handset.

Your call proceeds as originally dialed.


Automatic Callback cancels (automatically) after 30 minutes.

Canceling Automatic Callback

With the handset on-hook, press the button your System Administrator has
designated for Automatic Callback again.

One tone indicates automatic callback is canceled; this feature
automatically cancels after 30 minutes.

Automatic Intercom

The Automatic Intercom feature places a call to a specific phone associated with
this button. The recipient of the call receives a unique alerting ring, and the
indicator light associated with the intercom button flashes.