Recalling cues, Editing cues – elektraLite CP10xt Manual User Manual

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Next use the "Xfade Speed" fader to set the crossfade time for this cue. This will establish the speed
at which the fixtures will crossfade to this new cue when called. Set this to 0 for the fastest possible
movement. Next use the numbered keyswitches to select a cue number from 1 - 600 to store this cue
to. It is not necessary to enter 3 digits. If for example you are saving cue 1, you only need to press
keyswitch 1. Finally press "Enter" to store the cue. If a cue has already been saved at this location you
will be prompted with the following display:


Press "Enter" to write over the old cue or you can select a new number and then press "Enter" to
save it at a different location. Once the cue has been saved the display will read:


Recalling Cues

Once cues have been stored in memory they can be directly recalled by pressing "Cue". The display
will read:


Select the desired cue number (1 - 600) using the keyswitches. Press "Go" to call the cue. A bar graph
will appear in the lower half of the display if there is a crossfade and will show the progress of the
fade. Also the next consecutive cue number will automatically be displayed. This will allow you to
press "Go" again without having to select the next cue number in sequence. You can also use the "+"
or "-" key to increment or decrement the next cue number.

NOTE: When a cue crossfades, only pan, tilt, and possibly dimming will actually crossfade as these
are continuous type controls. All other non-continuous type settings in other words; color, gobos, etc.
snap to position at the end of the crossfade. You can reprogram each channel to crossfade, snap
before or snap after fade to suit your application. Consult the "System Programming" chapter in this
manual on how to do this.

Editing Cues

To edit an existing cue, first recall the cue as described in the previous paragraphs. Make any changes
as needed using the control faders or joystick. Press "Enter", "Cue", then adjust the "Xfade" if
desired. Select a cue number to store the edited cue to using the keyswitches. You can write over the
original cue number or you can select a different one if you are copying this cue to another location.