Examples of “pile on” programming – elektraLite CP10xt Manual User Manual

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- Creating preset focus cues.

This programming tool can be extremely powerful but is very often confusing to initially
understand. We highly recommend trying the programming examples that follow:


1) First you must specify whether the PILE ON function will be enabled.

Press: MENU , use the +/- keys to toggle to the “PILE ON” menu & hit ENTER. Use
the +/- keys to enable the PILE ON feature



Press BLACK to bring all DMX channels to 0%. This now also clears out all of the channel
information thus making it “transparent



Press the FIXTURE button and call up some fixtures to work with.

4) While holding the DELETE key open up the fixture’s dimmer and shutters where

applicable and move the pan & tilt to a position that is easily seen.

5) Now create a color without touching the dimmer, shutter, pan or tilt channels and store it as

a CUE.

6) Create a different color and store it as another CUE.
7) Press BLACK again to clear out all of the information and repeat step 4.
8) Now create a gobo look and store it as a CUE.
9) And create another gobo look for another CUE.

What you have now are two cues that contain ONLY color information and another two
cues that contain ONLY gobo information.

10) Now press BLACK and open up the dimmers and shutters WITHOUT holding the


11) Move the light beams all the way to the left and store this as a CUE with a 3 second

XFADE time.

12) Move the light beams all the way to the right and store this as another CUE with a 3 second

XFADE time.

13) Move the light beams to the center and store this as yet another CUE with a 3 second

XFADE time.

You now have three cues that contain only position information. It is now time to recall
some of these cues and see how transparent channels operate.

14) Press BLACK to turn all of the channels off.
15) Call up one of your position CUEs
16) Call up one of your gobo CUEs
17) Call up one of your color CUEs

You should be seeing your light beam staying in one position and piling on the other

18) Now call up another position CUE to see this newly created “look” move slowly to another


19) Repeat steps 15 through 18 to get a good feel for how this style of programming works.