Nikon S10 User Manual

Page 95

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Image File and Folder Names

Image File and Folder Names
Pictures, movies, and voice memos are assigned fi le names with three parts: a four letter iden-
tifi er, a four-digit fi le number assigned automatically by the camera in ascending order, and a
three-letter extension (e.g., “DSCN0001.JPG”).


Identifi er


Still picture






Time-lapse movie



Voice recording



Voice memo

Same as picture



Identifi er


Cropped copy



Small copy



D-lighting copy



Pictures and sound fi les are stored in folders named with a three-digit folder number followed
by a fi ve-character identifi er: “P_” plus a three-digit sequence number for pictures taken us-
ing panorama assist (e.g, “101P_001”;

28–29), “INTVL” for interval timer photography (e.g.,


58), “SOUND” or “SOUNE” for voice recordings (e.g., “101SOUND”;

34), and

“NIKON” for all other pictures (e.g, “100NIKON”). Folders can hold up to 200 pictures; if a picture
is taken when the current folder contains 200 pictures, a new folder will be created by adding
one to the current folder number. If a picture is taken when the current folder is numbered
999 and contains 200 pictures or a picture numbered 9999, no further pictures can be taken
until the medium is formatted (

71) or a new memory card inserted.

Files copied using [Copy] > [Selected images] or [Copy sound fi les] > [Selected fi les] are copied
to the current folder, where they are assigned new fi le numbers in ascending order starting
from the largest fi le number in memory. [Copy] > [All images] and [Copy sound fi les] > [Copy
all fi les] copy all folders from the source device; fi le names do not change but new folder num-
bers are assigned in ascending order starting from the largest folder number on the destina-
tion device (

36, 64).

Pictmotion movies (

43) are stored under the “NKSS” folder in folders named with a three-

digit folder number followed by “PRJCT” (e.g., “101PRJCT”). Each folder contains the picture
and sound fi les for a single Pictmotion movie.

Copies (

Copies (

42, 43, 69)

42, 43, 69)

Copies created using crop (

38), D-Lighting (

39), and small picture (

63) have the same

transfer marking as the original but are not marked for printing or protection. Copies created
using [Copy] (

64) have the same protection marking as the original but are not marked for

printing or transfer. The crop and small picture options can not be used with copies created
with crop or small picture; D-lighting is not available with copies created with crop, D-light-
ing, or small picture.