Acer 3400LMI User Manual
Page 49

F8x86_64 on the Acer Ferrari 3400LMi
# Set load detection on all external outputs
for out in ${ALLOUT[*]}; do
[ "$out" != "$INTERNAL" ] && \
INIT="$INIT output $out set load_detection 1"
[ "$out" == "$TVOUTPUT" ] && \
INIT="$INIT set tv_standard $TVMODE"
run xrandr $INIT
function status() {
printf "%10s%11s%8s%10s%10s\n" \
"Output" "Connected" "Active" "Position" "Resolution"
for (( i=0; i<${#ALLOUT[*]}; i++ )) {
[ "${CONCTD[$i]}" ] && c="yes" || c="no"
[ "${ACTIVE[$i]}" ] && a="yes" || a="no"
printf "%13s%9s%7s%10s%10s\n" \
"${ALLOUT[$i]}" "$c" "$a" \
"${ALLPOS[$i]}" "${ALLRES[$i]}"
function internal() {
# Internal output always active
INT="output $INTERNAL auto pos 0x0"
# Turn off currently active external output
[ "$CURRENT" != "$INTERNAL" ] && \
OFF="output $CURRENT off"
run xrandr $INT $OFF
function tvout() {
# If TVoutput already active, exit
[ "$CURRENT" == "$TVOUTPUT" ] && exit 0
# Internal output always active
INT="output $INTERNAL auto"
# Turn off currently active external output
[ "$CURRENT" != "$INTERNAL" ] && \
OFF="output $CURRENT off"
TV="output $TVOUTPUT auto $LOCATION"
run xrandr $INT $TV $OFF
function toggle() {
# Go to the next connection mode in the toggle sequence:
# LVDS (single) =>