ADTRAN D4 FT1 DP User Manual
D4 ft1 dp

The ADTRAN FT1 DP occupies one physical channel unit of an AT&T
Network System (WECO
) D4. The ADTRAN FT1 DP works with the ADTRAN
Fractional T1 Network Interface Device (FNID). Together the units support
two-way fractional T1 transport at rates of 128, 256, 384, 512, 640, and 768
kbps over an existing CSA loop plant, without loop conditioning or service
degradation. The technology used in the FT1 DP is High-bit-rate Digital
Subscriber Line (HDSL). The HDSL transport complies with the specifica-
tions contained in Bellcore TA-NWT-0001210, FA-NWT-0001211, and ANSI
T1E1 HDSL Technical Report - TR28.
The FT1 DP can span power the (FNID). In addition, the FT1 DP is capable
of span powering a Fractional T1 repeater which can be used to double the
deployment range of a circuit. The FT1 DP maintains all provisioning
options of the FT1 circuit. These options are set either manually (through
DIP switches) or through a craft access RS-232 interface (DB-9). The FT1 DP
also provides extensive Operation, Administration, Maintenance, and
Provisioning (OAM&P) information through faceplate features or the ter-
minal interface.
HDSL local loop operation is independent of the channel bank chosen
to deploy the FT1 DP units. The FT1 DP is the master in the master/slave
relationship with the FNID. The FT1 DP provides span powering to the
FNID, if required by the application. Additionally, the FT1 DP provisions
and maintains the FT1 circuit. Provisionable options may be selected
through manual switch selections and through a controlling terminal
interface. Once selected, these options can be changed by either of these
two methods; the FT1 DP remembers the last change implemented.
Repeaterless FT1 over Carrier
Service Area (CSA) loops
FT1 service rates of 128 to
768 kbps in increments of
128 kbps
2B1Q modulation
Front panel LEDs to indicate
system status
Manual DIP switches at FT1 DP
as well as remote provisioning
Local or remote performance
monitoring capability
Loopbacks with DDS latching
loopback codes
Operation over extended
temperature ranges (standard
–40° to +70°C)
Supports operation of Fractional
T1 Repeater
Standard 10 year warranty
F R A C T I O N A L T 1 D A T A P O R T
F O R A T & T D 4 C H A N N E L B A N K