Campbell Scientific RF401-series and RF430-series Spread Spectrum Data Radios/Modems User Manual
Page 71

Appendix D. Setting Up RF401-to-CR206(X) Communications
RF401 #2 Setup for Example 2 (see FIGURE D-8)
1. For RF401 #2 , select Datalogger SDC 7 (or 8, 10, 11).
2. Set the RF401 Protocol to "PakBus Aware".
3. Select Hop Sequence 0, which matches the CR206(X)'s and RF401 #1's
hop sequence.
4. Select Net Address 0, which matches the CR206(X)'s and RF401 #1's
5. The Radio Address is fixed at 0 in PakBus modes.
6. Select Power Mode < 2ma 1 second to work with the CR206(X).
7. Select Retry Level Low.
8. PakBus Address entry is disabled in DevConfig for the PakBus Aware
FIGURE D-8. DevConfig Deployment panel showing the RF401#2
setup for Example 2.