Campbell Scientific PConnectCE Software for Pocket PC PDAs User Manual
Page 9

PConnectCE for the Pocket PC Handhelds
Make sure ActiveSync is installed on your PC and that a device partnership has
been established with ActiveSync for the handheld device. A "New
Partnership Wizard" that sets up this partnership is automatically launched in
ActiveSync the first time you connect your handheld device to your computer.
For additional information, refer to the ActiveSync on-line help.
Insert the PConnectCE compact disk into your CD-ROM drive and run the
Setup.exe program from the disk. Follow the instructions on the screen to
install the software. During the installation, you will be prompted for
“Destination Location” for the software (the default is C:\Program
Files\CampbellSci\PConnectCE). You will then be prompted to “Choose
Working Folder” (default is C:\CampbellSci\PConnectCE). When you
synchronize with the handheld device to download the PConnectCE software, a
subdirectory for the device will be created in this Working Folder directory
(e.g., C:\CampbellSci\PConnectCE\devicename). This subdirectory is where
the data files retrieved using PConnectCE will be saved when you synchronize
your handheld with the PC after data has been collected from a datalogger.
This will also be the directory into which you will copy any files that should be
transferred to the handheld for use with the datalogger, such as a new program
file (*.DLD, *.CR1, *.BIN).
After you have installed the software on your PC, synchronize with your
handheld device using ActiveSync. This will install PConnectCE on the
handheld. After PConnectCE is installed, you will be asked to ensure that no
further steps are required on the handheld to complete the installation.
On Windows Mobile devices that support landscape mode, you will receive the
message, “The program you have installed may not display properly because it
was designed for a previous version of Windows Mobile software.” This
message can be ignored. PConnectCE has been installed and will operate on
the device. Note, however, that PConnectCE does not support landscape
mode. If the device is operated in landscape mode, part of the PConnectCE
window will not be displayed.
During the installation process an item will be placed on the handheld's Start |
Programs | PConnectCE menu. Select this menu option to start the program.
PConnectCE must be selected under ActiveSync’s Tools |
Options, Sync Options tab for data to be transferred to/from the
handheld when it is synchronized with the computer. It is
selected when a check mark appears beside the application name
in the Sync Options list. In most instances, PConnectCE is
selected automatically, but with some devices the user must do
this manually. Sync Options can only be changed when the PDA
is disconnected from the computer.
If PConnectCE appears in the Sync Options list but its status is
reflected as “Not Installed”, close ActiveSync and disconnect the
handheld. When you reopen ActiveSync’s Sync Options list,
PConnectCE should be available for selection.
After installation, you may change the folders for the data and program files by
opening ActiveSync, Choosing Tools | Options from the menu, selecting
PConnectCE from the list of programs on the Sync Options tab, and pressing
the Settings button. A window will be displayed where you can specify a new