Campbell Scientific PConnectCE Software for Pocket PC PDAs User Manual

Page 20

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PConnectCE for the Pocket PC Handhelds

Collect Data

The Collect Data tab is used to collect data from the datalogger and store it to a
file on the handheld. The name of the file is the station_name.dat. Data files
are stored in ASCII format on the handheld.

\My Documents\Stn1.dat

Data File (*.dat):

There are three data collection options:

• Collect Since Last Time - This will collect only the new data that has been

stored since the last time data was collected using this handheld. If this is
a first data collection attempt, all data will be collected.

• Collect All - This will collect all data currently in datalogger memory,

regardless of whether the data has been collected previously.

• Collect Last # of Arrays/Records - This will collect only the number of

arrays/records entered into the adjacent field. The maximum number of
records or arrays that can be collected is 9999.

If the datalogger type you selected was a CR510PB, CR10XPB, CR23XPB,
CR1000, CR800/850, CR3000, or a CR200 Series datalogger, you will see a
pick list at the top of the Data Collection window which allows you to select
the table(s) from which data should be collected. You can collect data from
All Tables or from a single table. Data from each table will be stored on the
PDA in a separate file.