2 connecting to the station – Campbell Scientific PConnectCE Software for Pocket PC PDAs User Manual

Page 19

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PConnectCE for the Pocket PC Handhelds

4.2 Connecting to the Station

From the Station window, choose a station to connect to and touch Connect.
The Measurements tab will appear, displaying the current input locations or
Public variables in the datalogger.

Return to

Click within
Cell to Edit
Label or
Send a New
Input Location

Click to
See More

Click to

If you are connected to a PakBus datalogger, you will see a list box below the
Measurement cells. This list box contains the names of the tables in the
datalogger. Select a table from this list to view.

Because of the small screen size, you may see only a portion of the input
locations in the datalogger. Touch the up or down arrows to the right of the
measurement cells to scroll through the values.

The value of an input location or Public variable can be changed from the
Measurements tab. Highlight the cell, enter a new value, and press Enter. You
can change the descriptive labels for the measurements similarly.

There are six other tabs you can switch to, to accomplish other tasks with the
datalogger. They are the Collect Data tab, the Set Clock tab, the Ports/Flags
tab, the Terminal tab, the Transfer Program tab, and the File Control tab
(CR1000, CR800/850, and CR3000 only).