2 short form data output (.fs) command, Short form data output (.fs) command – Campbell Scientific CS725 Snow Water Equivalency Sensor User Manual
Page 44

CS725 Snow Water Equivalency Sensor
'CS725_Crystal_TEMP_MAX *Suggest to Output to Final Storage*
*Suggest to Output to Final Storage*
*Suggest to Output to Final Storage*
*Suggest to Output to Final Storage*
SplitStr (CS725_Values(loopcount),CS725SplitStr(loopcount + 3),"",1,0)
'Prepare the output time string from when the CS725 produced the data
'Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
CS725_TIME_String = FormatFloat (CS725_Year,"%04.0f") + "-" + FormatFloat
(CS725_Month,"%02.0f") + "-" + FormatFloat (CS725_Day,"%02.0f") + " " + FormatFloat
(CS725_Hour,"%02.0f") + ":" + FormatFloat (CS725_Min,"%02.0f")
'Call Output Tables.
CallTable Diagnostics
CallTable CS725_6Hour
15.2 Short Form Data Output (.fs) Command
The following program example reads the SWE values from the CS725 using
the command [.fs].
The format of the data output from [.fs] command is as follows:
01/10/2009 06:59:50 123 129
'CR1000 Series Datalogger
'Program for CS725 Sensor
'Wiring CS725
'Red -Power
'Black -Power Gnd G - Ground
'Green -RS-232 TX C2
'White -RS-232 RX C1
'Clear -Shield
G – Ground
'Declare Public Variables
Public PTemp As Float,batt_volt As Float
Public Read_CS725_SWE_Flag As Boolean
Public CS725_RET_Values(8) As Float
Public CS725SerialIn As String * 100
Public CS725_COMMAND_String As String * 20
Alias CS725_RET_Values(7) = SWE_K
Alias CS725_RET_Values(8) = SWE_TL
'Declare Constants
'Command to Read back last results in short data output form
'precede .Fs with an ESCAPE key CHR(27) and emd with an Enter CHR(13)
Const CS725_Command_get_output = CHR(27) + ".Fs" + CHR(13)