Campbell Scientific CNR1 Net Radiometer User Manual

Page 24

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CNR1 Net Radiometer

15: Z=X*Y (P36)
1: 25

X Loc [ scratch_1 ]

2: 27

Y Loc [ scratch_3 ]

3: 28

Z Loc [ scratch_4 ]

16: Z=X+Y (P33)
1: 3

X Loc [ CG3_up ]

2: 28

Y Loc [ scratch_4 ]

3: 11

Z Loc [ CG3_upCor ]

17: Z=X+Y (P33)
1: 4

X Loc [ CG3_dn ]

2: 28

Y Loc [ scratch_4 ]

3: 12

Z Loc [ CG3_dnCor ]

;Output data to final storage every 60 minutes

18: If time is (P92)
1: 0

Minutes (Seconds --) into a

2: 60

Interval (same units as above)

3: 10

Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)

19: Real Time (P77)
1: 0220

Day,Hour/Minute (midnight = 2400)

20: Average (P71)
1: 12


2: 1

Loc [ CM3_dn ]

* Proper entries will vary with program and input channel usage.
** 25 mV range for CR10X, 50 mV for 21X and CR7
*** 4200 mV for 21X and CR7, 2100 mV for CR10X
+ 25 mV range for CR10X, 50 mV for 21X and CR7
++ 7.5 mV range for CR10X, 5 mV for 21X and CR7

6.2.4 Example 4, CR23X Program Using Single-Ended Channels

Program Example 4 requires four single-ended channels to measure the four
radiation outputs, and two differential channels and the 4WPB100 module to
measure the Pt-100 temperature sensor. The program measures the sensors
every 2 seconds and stores the following data to final storage every 60 minutes:




Avg CM3 down (shortwave radiation)

Avg CM3 up (shortwave radiation)

Avg CG3 down (longwave radiation)

Avg CG3 up (longwave radiation)

Avg CNR1 temperature (degrees C)

Avg CNR1 temperature (degrees K)