Figures, Tables – Campbell Scientific 034B-L Met One Windset User Manual
Page 8

Table of Contents
Example Program .................................................... B-1
Wind Direction Sensor Orientation ....................... C-1
Determining True North and Sensor Orientation ............................ C-1
Wind Direction Measurement Theory .................... D-1
4-1. 034B mounted on a crossarm using a 17953 NU-RAIL crossover
4-2. CM200 Series Crossarm with CM220 Right Angle Mounting
C-1. Magnetic declination for the contiguous United States (2004) ....... C-2
C-2. Declination angles east of True North are subtracted from 0 to
get True North .............................................................................. C-3
C-3. Declination angles west of True North are added to 0 to get
True North ................................................................................... C-3
D-1. 034B potentiometer in a half bridge circuit ..................................... D-1
5-1. Recommended Cable Lengths ............................................................. 7
7-1. Connections to Campbell Scientific Dataloggers ................................ 9
7-2. Wind Speed Multiplier* .................................................................... 11
7-3. Parameters for Wind Direction .......................................................... 11
B-1. Wiring for Example Program .......................................................... B-1