Samlex America TS-1500 User Manual

Page 9

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t3: At this time period, TN-1500 is still in the Bypass mode. The battery voltage

t4: If t he energy provid ed by th e charg er is larger than what is cons umed by the

t5: Since the chargers are in the OFF mode, the battery voltage will grad ually

t6: Once utility recover s, the CP U will switch back to the bypass mode.

t7: When bat tery voltage drops to below 26.5V, the battery charger will be

t8: Same as t4.

t9: Du e to lack of utilit y, TN-1500 will switch to the inverter mode. AC charging

t10: A s the battery di scharges to belo w 26.5V and ut ility remains una vai lable.

t11: Same as E ner gy Savin g mode.

t12: When sola r ch arger is providin g current of larger than 3A, the vo ltage lev el o f

level w ill d ecrease gradually d ue to standby power di ssipation. W he n the

batteries a re c onsumed to ar ound 75% of their c apacity (ba ttery voltage

around 26. 5V) the CPU wi ll restart the charger. The CPU will use charging

current of 3 A as a guide point. When t he provi ded charging current is u nder

3A , the AC charger wil l be turned ON (e.g. Night tim e or cloudy day). As for

load, voltage o f batter y bank w ill i ncrease gradual ly u ntil 28.5V is rea ched

then the CPU will be s hut off the charger to preve nt overcharging. A t this

decrease t o the range o f 26.5~28.5V (fl oati ng voltage le vel). If utilit y were to

fail at this mom ent, the CPU wi ll automatically switch (<10m s) t o the inverter
mode i nsuring u nin terrupted po wer.

activat ed t o charg e the ba ttery bank (refe r to t3 for detailed description).

functio n wi ll be turned off. Since AC output relies pu rely on battery power, the

O nly the sola r ch arger is turned ON. The battery bank could be depleted
rather quickly.

the battery bank w ill rise slow ly. O nce the ba ttery vol tage reaches inverter
m ode reactivation level, the inverter wi ll be revi ved.

battery bank wi ll be deplete d rat her quickly.

charging current of ove r 3A, the solar charger wi ll be turned O N in stead.

point, output lo ad is stil l supplied by utili ty.

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