Samlex America TS-1500 User Manual

Page 11

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F acto ry S etting

AC Cha rger
Transit ion Voltage
AC Cha rger
Sta rt Up Vo ltage

Solar C harg er
Sta rt Up Vo ltage







14 .3V


13 .3V




57 V

44 V

53 V

Solar Charge r
Shut Dow n Voltag e
Inver ter
Shut Dow n



28.5 V

21 V

57 V

42 V

t5: When t he capacity of batteries go down to about 75% (battery voltag e around

t6: If the energy pr ovided by the solar panels is lower than consumed by t he loads,

t7: If t he power consumpti on of the loads d oes not decrease an d the AC main i s

t8: Wh en l acki ng AC main, the C PU will shut down the whole system i f the capacit y

26.5V), sol ar charg er w ill restar t and beg in charg ing.

the users to take pr oper act ion.

"Solar Charger" charge the batt eries to achieve t he goal of energ y-saving.

the CP U wi ll pro vide LE D in dication to the user know why the inverter has shut

off .

requiring p owe ring the i nve rter OFF and ON .

voltage of bat tery bank w ill decrease gradually to 20% of its capacity

(battery voltage aro und 22V), t he b uilt-in bu zzer will be acti vated and inform

normal , CPU w ill detect this and the unit will be t ransferred to "Bypass Mo de" .

Th e ut ility will provide ener gy to the loads and charge th e battery ba nk at the

same t ime in order to preve nt the un it from shut ting off. If the so lar current is

higher than 3A , the CP U will not a ctivate the "AC charger" and just let the

of external battery bank is less than 10% (battery voltage around 21V)

in order to p revent o ver -dischar ging and reducing its lifetime. Aft er shut d own ,

5. Initial Setup of TN/TS-1500 (Operat ing Mode, O utput Voltage, Fre quency,

an d Saving Mode)

TN /TS-1500

5. 1 In itial Sta te

5. 2 In itial Set Poin t for Transi tion Vol tage s

Th e ini tial state of TN/TS-1500 is 120Vac/60Hz or 230Vac/50Hz and bot h the

"UPS mode" and "Saving M ode" is activated. If the users ne ed t o re vise it for

certain app lication, it can be done throu gh the se tting bu tton on the front panel

(Pl ease refer to section 5 .3). The uni t will start up autom atically after the

setting procedure is finished and t he new sett ings will be executed. These

new settin gs will be kept even if AC, battery, and solar is disconnect ed or

occurrence of fault condi tion s leading to failure of output volt age thus

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