1getting started, 1 display options available, 2 accessories – Matrix Orbital GLC24064 User Manual
Page 6

Getting Started
Figure 1: GLC24064-WB
The GLC24064 is an intelligent graphic LCD display designed to decrease development time by pro-
viding an instant solution to any project. With the ability to communicate via serial RS-232/TTL and I
protocols, the versitle GLC24064 can be used with virtually any controller. The ease of use is further en-
hanced by an intuitive command structure to allow display settings such as backlighting, contrast and baud
rate to be software controlled. Additionally, text and fonts may be uploaded to the display and stored in the
onboard memory.
Display Options Available
The GLC24064 comes in a variety of colors including the standard yellow/green, the popular blue/white
and the crisp white/grey. Extended voltage, and temperature options are also available, to allow you to select
the display which will best fit your project needs.
Figure 2: GLC24064 Options
Matrix Orbital provides all the interface accessories needed to get your display
up and running. You will find these accessories and others on our e-commerce website at
http://www.matrixorbital.com. To contact a sales associate see Section 15.6 on page 57 for
contact information.
Matrix Orbital