Ashcroft DM61 User Manual

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101B224-03 & 101B224-04 Expansion Modules Instruction Manual


Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------ 3


Accessories ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3


SPECIFICATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------- 4


General (applicable to both models) --------------------------------------- 4


101B224-03 4-Relay Expansion Module ----------------------------------- 4


101B224-04 Digital Input & Output Expansion Module -------------- 5


INSTALLATION ------------------------------------------------------------- 6


External Relays & Digital I/O Connections ------------------------------- 6


Terminal Block Connections ------------------------------------------------- 7



These external expansion modules add functionality to any DM61 in the
field. They can be added at any time and are easy-to-install.
Add a 4-relay expansion module and/or up to two I/O modules. The
menu items for these modules do not appear until the module is con-
nected, simplifying the basic menu.
The relay module consists of four 3 amp Form A (SPST) relays.
The I/O module has four digital inputs and four digital outputs per mod-
ule. External digital inputs can function similarly to the front panel func-
tion keys. They can be configured to trigger certain events (i.e.
acknowledge/reset alarms, reset max and/or min values, disable/enable
all output relays, and hold current relay states), provide direct menu
access point, or mimic front panel keys. Digital outputs can be used to
remotely monitor DM61 alarm relay output states, or the states of a va-
riety of actions and functions executed by the meter.
RS-232 or RS-422/485 communications modules are also available;
refer to the accessories section for ordering details.


Model Description

DIN-rail mounting kit for two expansion modules


Meter copy cable


RS-232 serial adapter


RS-422/485 serial adapter