Videotec DTRXDC User Manual
Page 30

Page. 10
Nota: The terminals RX-485A and RX-485B which present the inserted load, should be connected respectively to
terminals TX-485A and TX-485B of the preceding unit, which also have the load inserted:
More than one receiver per line, connection with twisted pair
All receivers connected to the same line should use the same communication protocol, RS485.
For each of the lines, the following instructions are valid:
only one of the keyboards (the one at an end of the line) will present the inserted load
only one of the receivers (at the other end of the line) will present the inserted load.
the total length of the line should not exceed 1200 m.
Line A of DCS3 keyboard has been used for communication with the telemetry. The ends (Keyboard - Receiver A3)
should have the termination resistance inserted. Receivers A1, A2 should not have the termination resistance
connected. The maximum length of the line, from end to end (from keyboard to receiver A3), is 1200 metres.
Control voltage of lenses
connect the power cord and power the DTRXDC unit ( LD8 on )
position the tester prods on the FOCUS + and FOCUS - terminals
keep pressing one of the two FOCUS buttons on the control unit DCS3
adjust the control voltage of the lens by acting on the TR1 trimmer ( default 12V
Connection of the cables of the positioning device, the lenses and the alarms
Warning: before carrying out the following operations, make sure that the control voltage of the positioning
device and the setting of the setting of the type of lenses used are correct!
1. disconnect the unit
2. connect the unit with the lens, Pan & Tilt and alarms
3. power the unit
The length of the connecting cable between connector J3 of the DTRXDC receiver and the tilt & pan should not
exceed 5 metres.