Notifier CHG-120 User Manual

Chg-120, Battery charger, General

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DN-6040:A2 • 10/18/2012 — Page 1 of 2


Battery Charger

Power Supplies

DN-6040:A2 • E-191


The CHG-120 is a state-of-the-art battery charging system

designed for use with NOTIFIER Fire Alarm Control Panels

(FACPs). It is designed to charge lead-acid batteries between

25 and 120 ampere-hours (AH).


• Charges sealed lead-acid batteries.
• Automatic float-type battery charger.
• Rated for batteries of 25 to 120 ampere-hours.
• Obtains full float voltage within 48 hours.
• For use on any 24-volt FACP which can handle the speci-

fied batteries and can disable the local charger.

• AC Fail delay (central station applications) per latest NFPA


• Form-C Trouble contact.
• Dual outputs, for easy load distribution.
• Diagnostic LEDs:

Primary AC On
Charger Trouble.
Ground Fault.
Hi Charge.
Lo Charge.
Battery Voltage Level (3 LEDs).
Low Battery.

• Black or red NFS-LBB(R) battery cabinet (optional).
• Field-selectable input voltage, 120 VAC or 230 VAC.
• Charges:

26 AH batteries within 9 hours.
55/60 AH batteries within 20 hours.
120 AH batteries within 38 hours.

NOTE: Values per NOTIFIER testing.

Construction and Operation

The CHG-120 consists of a PC board and mounting chassis.

Charging current is provided automatically when the battery

voltage falls below the charger’s output voltage.


Use the CHG-120 when batteries required for standby are

rated between 25 to 120 AH.

CHG-120 Specifications

Primary AC (TB1):

115 VAC, 60 Hz, 2 A.
230 VAC, 50 Hz, 1 A.

Form-C relay (TB3): 5 A at 30 VDC.
Float charge voltage: 27.6 VDC.
Maximum charging current: 4.5 A.
Fuses F1-F3: 15 A.
Battery sizes: 26 AH to 120 AH.

Charging time (to charge two fully discharged batteries):

25 AH = 9 hours.
55 AH/60 AH = 20 hours.
120 AH = 38 hours.


The CHG-120 has a variety of mounting options. It can be

mounted in either a CAB-4 Series backbox or remotely in the

NFS-LBB Battery Backbox. Install the CHG-120 within 20 feet

(6.096 m) of the main FACP.
When mounting in a CAB-4 Series backbox:
• The CHG-120 can be mounted in the main power supply

position, on the lower left of the CAB-4 Series backbox.

• Using self-tapping screws, the CHG-120 can be mounted in

the lower right position (normally, where the batteries are

mounted) of the CAB-4 Series backbox.

When mounting remotely in the NFS-LBB:
• The CHG-120 mounts in the left position of the backbox.

NOTE: Only one 55 AH battery or two 26 AH batteries will mount
with the charger board in the NFS-LBB.

NFS-LBB Battery Box Battery Configurations: The battery

backbox can mount configurations of batteries as follows:
• Without CHG-120 mounted internally:

Up to two 26 AH batteries.
Up to two 55/60 AH batteries.
One 100 AH battery.

• With CHG-120 mounted internally:

Up to two 26 AH batteries.
One 55/60 AH battery.
One 100 AH battery.



