Operation, Product line information – Notifier ACM/AEM-48A User Manual
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Page 2 of 4 — DN-6862:C1 • 8/1/2011
The ACS Series annunciator and control system provides the
NOTIFIER system with up to 32 remote serially connected
annunciators, each with a capacity of 96 points, for a total
capacity of 3072 points (subject to the capability of the FACP).
The NFS2-3030 and NCA-2 are capable of using the full 96
Local or remote power supplies and serial communications
allow the ACS to be located virtually anywhere in the protected
On NFS-320, NFS2-640, NFS2-3030, NCA-2 and the legacy
panels, system alarm and/or trouble conditions may be annun-
ciated on a per-point basis, or in a grouped or zone configura-
Control of system operational controls, such as Signal Silence,
System Reset, and local annunciation controls (such as Local
Acknowledge and Lamp Test) may be accomplished through
the module’s rubber keypad.
Product Line Information
ACM-24AT: (see figure) The Annunciator Control Mod-
ule-24AT contains 24 color-programmable (red/green/yellow)
Active and 24 yellow Trouble LEDs, 24 momentary touch-pad
switches, a System Trouble LED, an On-Line/Power LED, and
a local piezo sounder with a silence/acknowledge switch for
audible indication of alarm and trouble conditions. Includes
instructions. 8.375" (21.27 cm) high; 4.375" (11.11 cm) wide.
AEM-24AT: The Annunciator Expander Module-24AT expands
the ACM-24AT by 24 system points. The AEM-24AT is identi-
cal in size and in frontal appearance to the ACM-24AT. Up to
three of these expander modules can be supported by an
ACM-24AT, for a maximum of 96 system points. 8.375" (21.27
cm) high; 4.375" (11.11 cm) wide. NOTE: The AEM-24AT can-
not be used to expand the ACM-48A.
ACM-48A: (see figure) The Annunciator Control Module-48A
contains 48 color-programmable (red/green/yellow) Active
LEDs, a System Trouble LED, an On-Line/Power LED, and a
local piezo sounder with a Silence/Acknowledge switch for
audible indication of alarm and trouble conditions. Includes
instructions. 8.375" (21.27 cm) high; 4.375" (11.11 cm) wide.
AEM-48A: The Annunciator Expander Module-48A expands
the ACM-48A by 48 system points. The AEM-48A is identical
in frontal appearance to the ACM-48A. One expander module
can be supported by an ACM-48A, providing a maximum of 96
points (subject to the capability of the FACP). 8.375" (21.27
cm) high; 4.375" (11.11 cm) wide. NOTE: The AEM-48A can-
not be used to expand the ACM-24AT.
ABS-1B: (see figure) The Annunciator Surface Box-1B (black)
provides for the remote mounting of one annunciator module
in a surface-mount enclosure. Knockouts are provided for use
with 1/2" (1.27 cm) conduit. The annunciator mounts directly to
the ABS-1B without a dress plate. 8.5" (21.59 cm) high x 4.5"
(11.43 cm) wide x 2" (5.08 cm) deep. NOTE: The ABS-1B will
not support the installation of the AKS-1B Annunciator Key
ABS-1TB: The ABS-1TB is an attractive surface-mount back-
box for mounting one ACS Series Annunciator. Unlike the
ABS-1B, the ABS-1TB has an increased depth that allows
mounting of the AKS-1B Annunciator Key Switch. Black,
9.938" (25.24 cm) high x 4.625" (11.75 cm) wide x 2.5" (6.35
cm) deep. NOTE: An earlier gray model, ABS-1TB, will not
accommodate the ACM/AEM-24AT or ACM/AEM-48A. The
slightly deeper ABS-1TB will accommodate both the ACM/
AEM-24AT or ACM/AEM-48A models and the ACM-16AT/
ACM-32A Series (see DN-0524).
ABS-2B: The Annunciator Surface Box-2B (black) provides for
the surface mounting of one ACM-24AT/AEM-24AT combina-
tion or one ACM-48A/AEM-48A combination. Knockouts are
provided for use with 1/2" (1.27 cm) conduit. The annunciators
mount directly to the ABS-2B without a dress plate. 8.5" (21.59
cm) high x 8.92" (22.66 cm) wide x 2" (5.08 cm) deep. NOTE:
The ABS-2B will not support the installation of the AKS-1B
Annunciator Key Switch.
ABF-1B: (see figure) The Annunciator Flush Box-1B (black)
provides for the remote mounting of a single annunciator mod-
ule in a flush-mount enclosure. Knockouts are provided for use
with 1/2" (1.27 cm) conduit. The ABF-1B includes a painted
black metal trim plate [11" (27.94 cm) high x 6.25" (15.875 cm)
wide], mounting hardware, and an adhesive-backed annuncia-
tor label for the dress plate. 9.938" (25.24 cm) high x 4.625"
(11.75 cm) wide x 2.5" (6.35 cm) deep.
ABF-2B: The Annunciator Flush Box-2B (black) provides for
the flush mounting of two annunciator modules. Includes a
painted black metal trim plate [11" (27.94 cm) high x 10.625"
(26.99 cm) wide] and adhesive-backed annunciator label.
9.938" (25.24 cm) high x 9.188" (23.34 cm) wide x 3.75"
(9.525 cm) deep.
ABF-4B: (see figure) The Annunciator Flush Box-4B (black)
provides for the remote mounting of one to four annunciator
modules. Knockouts are provided for use with 1/2" (1.27 cm)
conduit. The flush-mounted ABF-4B includes a painted black
metal trim plate [11" (27.94 cm) high x 19.375" (49.21 cm)