Notifier LDM User Manual
Lamp driver modules, General, Features

DN-0551:B1 • 06/24/11 — Page 1 of 2
Lamp Driver Modules
Annunciator Control Systems
DN-0551:B1 • D-110
LDM Series lamp driver modules, when combined with a
custom graphic display, provide annunciation and control for
Notifier’s intelligent fire alarm control panels. These modules
use a serial communications interface, and may be located up
to 6,000 feet from the panel.
• ALARM/CIRCUIT ON and TROUBLE lamp/LED per-point
option, or more dense alarm-only option (field selectable).
• Control switch option for remote control per point.
• Lamps/LEDs may be programmed to display status of indi-
cating circuits or control relays as well as system status
• System trouble lamp/LED signal.
• On-line/power LED indicator.
• Alarm and trouble resound with flash of new conditions.
• Local sounder for both alarm/circuit-on and trouble condi-
tions with silence/acknowledge switch connection.
• Serial EIA-485 interface for reduced installation costs.
• May be powered by 24 VDC from the panel or by remote
power supplies.
• Efficient switch-power converter reduces power consump-
• Microprocessor-controlled electronics, fully supervised.
• Plug-in terminal blocks for ease of installation and service.
• Trouble monitor option for remote power supplies.
Two basic models are available; the LDM-32 control module
and the LDM-E32 expander module. Each may be selected to
provide 32 alarm indications; or 16 alarm, 16 trouble, and 16
control points.
The LDM-32/LDM-E32 with a custom graphic array may be
used to indicate point status and, in some versions, to control
the state of output points.
In addition, the LDM-R32 module may be used to provide 32
dry-contact relays for electrical isolation when connecting the
system to other equipment.
The LDM-32 and LDM-E32 modules mount on four standoffs
inside the custom annunciator graphic box. Alternately, the
modules may be installed in a CHS-4L chassis. The module
size is approximately 4.4” (11.2cm) x 7.1” (18cm).
Communications between the LDM Series annunciators and
the host FIre Alarm Control Panel are made through a
two-wire EIA-485 multi-drop loop, and a two-wire regulated 24
VDC power loop. Up to 32 LDM systems may be connected to
a single control panel.
All field-wiring terminations use removable, compression-type
terminal blocks for ease of installation, wiring, and circuit test-
LDM Series modules, when used with a custom graphic
annunciator, provide the Notifier’s intelligent fire alarm control
panels with up to 32 unique or redundant annunciators, each
with a capacity of 64 points for a total capacity of
2048 points.
Local or remote power supplies and serial communications
allow the custom annunciators to be located anywhere on the
protected premises.
AM2020/AFP1010 system alarm and/or trouble conditions
may be annunciated on a per-point basis, or in a grouped-zone
AFP300/400 system panel points, intelligent addressable
devices and software zones can be annunciated/controlled in
a grouped fashion (see programming manual for details).
Control of system operational controls, such as Signal Silence,
System Reset, and local annunciation controls (such as Local