Triton Bathymetry Swath Editor User Manual
Page 8
1.1.4 Sweep Length and Overlap
These controls, shown to the right, are for managing how many pings to
display in the editing windows in one frame and when advancing to the
next frame how many pings to overlap.
Sweep Length (pings): this is the number of pings to display at a time in the editing
window frames. Below are two examples, the top shows only 15 pings per frame
while the bottom shows 100 pings per frame.
Overlap: indicates the number of pings to repeat. In the example above with a
Sweep Length of 15 and Overlap of 10, it would only repeat 5 pings. Assuming the
view showed pings 300 to 314, the next frame would show pings 310 to 324.