Triton Bathymetry Swath Editor User Manual

Page 7

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1.1.3 Beam Quality Display and Zoom Options

The Beam Quality section of the control panel is used to change how the sounding data is
displayed in the editing windows based on how the sounding has been flagged. Triton’s
Swath Editor recognizes four distinct beam flag types to indicate how a sounding is used
during processing. Other beam flags present in the data files are sorted into one of these
groups depending on why it was flagged. The beam flags used by Swath Editor are:


Good - good brightness, good colinearity


Okay – good brightness, poor colinearity


Poor – poor brightness, good colinearity


Bad – poor brightness, poor colinearity

As shown in the image to the right, the Beam Quality section has two
columns which control how the sounding data is displayed in the
editing windows.

The column on the left are display options and indicate which type of flagged beam to
display in the editing windows. The column on the right indicates which type of flagged
beams to zoom the display to. The two images below show the same swath data in the
across-track editing window. The image on the left displays ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ soundings but
is zoomed only to the ‘Good’ soundings, while the image to the right is zoomed to both the
‘Good’ and the ‘Bad’ soundings.