Triton Bathymetry Swath Editor User Manual
Page 11

1.4 Editing Options
1.4.1 Sounding Selection
To change the beam flags of the soundings displayed in a Swath Edit Window the soundings
must be selected. There are two ways to select soundings for editing.
1. Point and Click: As it sounds, point the cursor at a sounding and click the mouse
button. When selected the point will highlight a light blue color.
2. Select by Rectangle: This option allows the user to draw a rectangle around as many
points as desired. All points selected will be highlighted. Selecting points in
multiple areas can be done one at a time or by holding the CTRL button down. The
image below shows four separate selection areas were needed to highlight all the
soundings to be edited.
After the points are selected, click the Apply button in the Triton Swath Editor control
panel to change the beam flags.
A few things to note:
Changing the beam flags does not affect the raw XTF data file. All edits are saved
to either an EDT file or to the GSF file.
The Apply button needs to be clicked before advancing to the next set of pings.
Make sure to select the correct setting in the “Change Edits To” option before the
Apply button is clicked.