Triton Bathymetry Swath Editor User Manual
Page 10

1.1.10 File Information Display
At the bottom of the control panel is a readout of the current file loaded into the Swath
Editor and also the current edit file being used.
1.2 Swath Edit Window “Sweep End View”
A swath edit window is a display of
the raw sounding data which allows
the user to select individual
soundings and manually flag them as
‘Bad’ or ‘Good’. To the right is an
example of the Sweep End View
showing the across-track view of the
swath data.
This picture shows 100 swaths
overlapped with the red points
indicating ‘Bad’ soundings and the
green points indicating ‘Good’
1.3 Swath Edit Window “Sweep Side View”
To the right is an example of the Sweep
End View showing the across-track view
of the swath data. This picture shows the
same 100 swaths as above but along the
trackline instead.
Note that the automatic filters in the
sonar and the beam suppression filters
did not remove all of the noise from this
group of pings. Selecting the scattered
soundings in the lower part of this display
and changing their beam flags to ‘Bad’ will
improve the quality of the final grid.