0 bathyone processing workflow – Triton Bathymetry Swath Editor User Manual

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3.0 BathyOne Processing Workflow

When processing bathymetry data using BathyOne, manual editing of the data is
performed with the Swath Editor on GSF files after importing raw data into
PerspectiveMap and creating a DTM file. In the process of creating the DTM, BathyOne
also generates a GSF file for each input file. The advantage of using the GSF file for
processing instead of the raw XTF data file is the ability to first apply automated beam
suppression filters to the raw soundings, greatly reducing the amount of manual editing

Here is an example workflow for using the Swath Editor with BathyOne:

1. Import XTF files into PerspectiveMap and use the BathyOne wizard to process the

bathymetry data.

2. Review the DTM generated in PerspectiveMap and identify areas that require

manual editing. To reduce processing time, the Swath Viewer can be used to note
the ping numbers that span the area
needing manual editing. The Swath Viewer
is launched by right-clicking on a
bathymetry data file in the Navigation file
tree and selecting ‘View’ (shown right) or by
double clicking on the bathymetry
navigation line in the map view.

3. Launch the Swath Editor and open the GSF files to be processed and save the edits

when finished. Note that the GSF files are located in a subdirectory in the DTM
folder. Each DTM file has a folder with the same name containing the GSF files.

4. When finished editing the

GSF files using Swath Editor,
in PerspectiveMap right click
on the DTM layer in the
Bathymetry file tree and
select ‘Rebuild Using…’