HighPoint RocketRAID 2300 User Manual
Page 62

Linux Driver Support
When prompted “Insert your driver disk and press OK to continue”, insert the
driver diskette into the system’s floppy drive, and select “OK”.
The system will now load the RocketRAID driver automatically.
2. When prompted “Where do you want to install the boot loader? ” in the “Boot
Loader Configuration” dialog, select “Master Boot Record (MBR)” to instruct the
system be to boot from the RocketRAID host adapter.
Continue the installation as normal. You can refer to Red Hat Enterprise Linux
installation guide.
The system device mapping order is the same as the order shown in RocketRAID
BIOS Setting Utility. If no other SCSI adapters are installed, the device marked as
“BOOT” or “HDD0”will identified as /dev/sda, “HDD1” as /dev/sdb, “HDD2” as
/dev/sdc, etc. When creating mount points, /boot must be mounted on /dev/sda.
3 - Installing the ROCKETRAID 230x driver for an
Existing System
Note: If a SCSI adapter is used to boot the system, make sure the RocketRAID host
adapter BIOS loads/posts after the SCSI adapter’s BIOS. It may be necessary to
move the adapter(s) to another PCI slot.
Step 1 Obtain the Driver Module
Extract the module file from the file modules.cgz (from the driver disk) using the
following commands:
# mount /dev/fd0
# cd /tmp
# gzip -dc /mnt/floppy/modules.cgz | cpio -idumv