Setalr – Vaisala WAC155 User Manual
Page 45

Chapter 4 ________________________________________________________________ Operation
VAISALA _______________________________________________________________________ 43
Heating OFF
Temperature 14.25
The WAC155 can monitor the wind sensor movement to detect if the
sensors appear to be stuck in place. The SETALR command is used to
configure this functionality.
If the functionality is enabled and timeouts are not zero, sensors are
cross-checked for changes, i.e. if the reading of the other sensor
changes, but the other one does not for certain period of time, the sensor
is considered stuck.
SETALR [active] [dir] [spd] [calm] [dirlimit] [spdlimit]
= Enables the wind sensor stuck supervision functionality. 0
or 1 (default 0)
= Timeout for wind direction change, range 0 ... 256 (default
= Timeout for wind speed change, range 0 ... 256 (default 60)
= The calm timeout. Defines how long both sensors may be
unchanged until both sensors are considered being stuck.
Range 0 ... 65535 (default 1440)
dirlimit = Threshold limit for wind direction change. If the wind
direction change is below the threshold, it is considered
unchanged from the wind sensor stuck functionality point
of view. Range 0 ... 180 (default 3)
spdlimit = Threshold limit for wind speed change. If the wind speed
change is below the threshold, it is considered unchanged
from the wind sensor stuck functionality point of view.
Range 0.0 ... 10.0 (default 0.0)
= The value for the option