State SBS100 76NE User Manual
Page 8

used in the same room or area containing a gas water heater or other
open flame or spark producing appliance. NOTE: Flammable vapors may
be drawn by air currents from other areas of the structure to the appliance.
Also, the water heater must be located and/or protected so it is not
subject to physical damage by a moving vehicle.
This water heater must not be installed directly on carpeting. Carpeting
must be protected by metal or wood panel beneath the water heater
extending beyond the full width and depth of the water heater by at least
3” (76.2 mm) in any direction, or if the water heater is installed in an
alcove or closet, the entire floor must be covered by the panel. Failure
to heed this warning may result in a fire hazard.
hIGh altItude
Water heaters covered in this manual have been tested and approved
for installation at elevations up to 7,700 feet (2,347 m) above sea
level. For installation above 7,700 feet (2,347 m), the water heater’s
Btu input should be reduced at the rate of 4 percent for each 1,000
feet (305 m) above sea level which requires replacement of the burner
orifice in accordance with the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1/
NFPA 54 or the Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code CAN/
CSA B149.1. Contact your local gas supplier for further information.
Failure to replace the standard orifice with the proper high altitude
orifice when installed at elevations above 7,700 feet (2,347 m)
could result in improper and inefficient operation of the water heater,
producing carbon monoxide gas in excess of the safe limits. This
could result in serious injury or death. Contact your local gas supplier
for any specific changes that may be required in your area.
Minimum clearances between the water heater and combustible
construction are 0 inch at the sides and rear, 4” (102 mm) at the
front, and 6” (153 mm) from the vent pipe. Clearance from the top
of the jacket is 12” (305 mm) on most models.
fIGure 2.
A gas water heater cannot operate properly without the correct
amount of air for combustion. Do not install in a confined area such
as a closet, unless you provide air as shown in the “Locating The
New Water Heater” section. Never obstruct the flow of ventilation
air. If you have any doubts or questions at all, call your gas supplier.
Failure to provide the proper amount of combustion air can result
in a fire or explosion and cause death, serious bodily injury, or
property damage.
fIGure 3.
If this water heater will be used in beauty shops, barber shops,
cleaning establishments, or self-service laundries with dry
cleaning equipment, it is imperative that the water heater or
water heaters be installed so that combustion and ventilation
air be taken from outside these areas.
Propellants of aerosol sprays and volatile compounds, (cleaners,
chlorine based chemicals, refrigerants, etc.) in addition to being
highly flammable in many cases, will also change to corrosive
hydrochloric acid when exposed to the combustion products of
the water heater. The results can be hazardous, and also cause
product failure.