Provisioning, Manual provisioning, Electronic provisioning – ADTRAN 1500 User Manual

Page 4: Windows hyperterminal, Password and user id, Menu navigation, Menus, Main menu, Configuration screen, Figure 2. dip switches

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Issue 4, May 2006


All options on the Dual LIU are provisionable either
manually, using internal DIP switches, or electronically
using the SCU



Manual Provisioning
The DIP switches SW1 and SW2 provide the Total
Access 1500 with the necessary option settings for
DSX/DS1 modes of operation.

Figure 2

shows the

orientation of the DIP switches.

Table 3

on page 5

shows the available DIP switch settings.

Figure 2. DIP Switches


DIP switch settings can be used for the initial
turn up of the system, and will automatically
assign time slots to physical slots, depending
on the setting selected. If any setting is
changed via the VT100 interface, the


LED on the front panel will light indicating
that the settings have changed.

Electronic Provisioning
The craft ports on the Total Access 1500 SCU are used
to change default options and obtain access module
status through menu screens. To access the menu
screens, connect a VT100 terminal or computer running
a terminal emulation program to the SCU front panel


port using a standard male RS-232, DB-9 cable.


port settings are as follows:

• 9600 baud
• No parity
• 8 data bits
• 1 stop bit
• No flow control

Windows HyperTerminal
Windows HyperTerminal can be used as a VT100
terminal emulation program. Refer to the Help section
of HyperTerminal for additional information.


To ensure proper display background, select
VT100 terminal emulation under



Password and User ID
Password protection is a function of the SCU and is
factory disabled. If password authentication is enabled,
then the SCU will display the Logon screen. A valid
User Name and Password are required to access menus.


The factory default User Name is “user”, and
the default Password is “password”. The User
Name and Password are not case sensitive.

Menu Navigation
To traverse through the menus, select the desired entry
and press


. To work backward in the menu press




The menu tree in

Figure 3

on page 6 illustrates the path

to every provisioning, performance, and test access
point in the Total Access 1500 Dual LIU menu.

The following subsections describe the Dual LIU menu

Main Menu
The LIU main menu provides access to the Dual LIU for
various functions such as viewing configuration, provi-
sioning, viewing the current status of the module, setup
of alarms, testing, and performance monitoring.

Configuration Screen
The LIU Configuration screen is a read-only display. It
provides configuration data pertaining to the Dual LIU
and cannot be changed. Information such as unit name,
CLEI code, part number, product revision, and software
revision are displayed. Items such as Software Revision
will reflect new software revisions as upgrades are

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