PortaTree Silver Box Professional User Manual

Page 7

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switches have 8 dip switches on the face which are binary. To select address 1 turn dip switch
1 “ON” and all others OFF and to select address 2 turn dip switch 2 “ON” all others OFF. To
select address 3 both dip switches 1 and 2 would be “ON” and all others OFF.

The settings for the AMT scoreboards can utilize address 1 and 2 even if you are using

Address 1 and 2 on the Smart Switches. The program uses a different format for the
addresses on the Smart Switches and the Scoreboards. The addresses that you set in the
RS-485 Network Screen must match the addresses that you set on the devices. The AMT

Scoreboards have 8 dip Switches inside the back cover of the display. The first 3 dip switches
are preset at the factory for the type of display and the 5 dip switches that are left are for
addresses 0 to 31. The address selection starts at dip switch 8 and goes down to dip switch
4. When dip switch 8 is ON and 7,6,5,4 are OFF the display is set for address 1. You can
check this out be depowering the display and restarting it. On Power Up, the scoreboard will
show you the current address setting. Address 2 is set by turning dip switch 7 ON and turning
8,6,5,4 OFF. Address 3 is set by turning dip switch 8 & 7 ON and turning 6,5,4 OFF. Address
4 is set by turning dip switch 6 ON and turning 8,7,5,4 OFF. This is a binary format.


Click On Setup and then RS-485 Printers at the main screen in the drag race program.

The Printer setup screen allows you to customize your time slip message for your racetrack
and select which lines you want to print. The Test Printer button allows you to look at a
sample time slip to make sure that the information is correctly entered. You must center each
line of information and we usually use dashes “----“ before and after the information Text lines
so that they make the information easier to read for the racer. See the time slip setup screen
on the previous page. You can select 1 copy (if you have duplicate time slip paper) or 2 copies
(if you have single sheet paper or 2 printers).