PortaTree Pro-Ultimate (Gold Box) for Drag Race Programs User Manual
PortaTree Software

594 Blackstone Street -- P.O. Box 206 -- Uxbridge, MA 01569
Tel 508-278-2199 ext. 503 Fax 508-278-5887
Email: [email protected] Web Site:
Setting Up your P.C.s for the Portatree Drag Race Programs
Before you load the new Portatree Ultimate Software onto your computers,
you must setup the computer network so that it will be ready to use. We
recommend 3 P.C.’s to operate this software properly. You will require a Drag
Race operator’s Computer (this is where the race is entered), an Administrator’s
Computer (this is where you setup qualifying, ladders, racer entry, points, etc.),
and an Announcer’s Computer(we use this for printing time slips (racer receipts)
and information for commentating on the event).
You must have all 3 computers on a LAN ( Local Area Network – Do NOT
use a wireless LAN or have any computer connected to the internet ). You must
make sure that all 3 computers have their “C:\” drives shared with FULL
READ\WRITE capability. You must make a Mapped Network Drive from the
Announcer Computer to the Drag Race Computer and make a mapped network
drive from the Drag Computer to the Administrator Computer. That is all of the
mapped network drives that are required to operate the software !!!!! Make sure
that you can “Click On” the mapped network drives in “My Computer” and can
see all of the Folders of the network drive.
Only Load the software onto each of the 3 P.C.’s once you have gotten the
network setup properly as indicated in the above 2 paragraphs. Once the
software is loaded, proceed with the installation instructions.
The 2 attached sheets are for reference ! The Drag Race Program on the
Drag Race Operator’s Computer should have the race setup screen looking like
the attached sheets. If the Race Setup is setup exactly like these 2 sheets, your
link between the Drag Race Computer and the Administrator’s Computer will be
setup properly !
If you have any questions, please e-mail them to
can send you bitmaps of the screens with the correct settings for your track.