PortaTree Silver Box Professional User Manual
Page 4
create a new directory called C:\RESUL99 (open the Windows Explorer and create a new
folder). A C:\RESUL96, C:\RESUL97, and a C:\RESUL98 have been created for each race
year. Next year we will create a C:\RES2000 directory. On the Right Side of the Race Setup
Screen, click on the C:\ under the Directory heading next to File Name under Results
Database and then click on the new directory, C:\RESUL99, that you have just created. Then
enter the Race Day File for the new Race Day.
Under Racers Database and Category Database, you must click on the C:\ under
Directory and then click on Portatre and Portatre again ( C:\portatree\portatree directory –
some windows ’98 computers only show C:\portatre ) and then select the Racers.db and the
category.db files (racers1.db is the second racer database and racers2.db is the third).
Setup the Round, Race Type, and Race Category that you would like to run. We have
made several sample categories for you, but in order to change these categories, you will have
to go into the Post Process Program. When all of your data is entered, Click on “OK” and the
Main Race Screen will appear.
The main screen is a typical Windows ’95 and ’98 Program which uses all of the
standard “HOT” keys. The screen is very user friendly and very easy to use. Racers and
entered on the Right Side of the screen by positioning the cursor with your Mouse or by
Keystroke. The F5, F6, F7, and F8 keys position the cursor into the four data entry slots on
the right of the screen. Que 1 Left is where you usually begin (depress F5) and the entry
number would be typed into the edit box. Single runs are entered into the Que 1 Left or Right
and the empty lane should be typed in as “BYE”. The computer recognizes “BYE” as an empty
lane and automatically disqualifies the run. If you have already set up the category, then the
Dial-In, Tree Speed, and Tree Type would be entered automatically. The category editor in the
Post Process Program handles this feature. After you have entered Que 1 Left and Que 1
Right you would Click on the “BUMP QUE” button or depress “F12” to advance them onto the
main screen. At this point you can edit the Dial-In, Tree Type, and Tree Speed only. You can
not change the Entry Number on the main race screen. When you are confident that the
information on the main screen is correct, then you can click on “Tower Ready” or depress “F9”