PortaTree Silver Box Professional User Manual
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Professional Computer. The print sequence must use a Capital “P” in the sequence to print
the race information. You should also leave an empty line and put 4 of them at the end to
push the time slip out of the printer. See the Portatree Pro Box Video on how to setup your
print strings.
The Local Printer Enable box must be checked when using a level shifter. You can also
save files and load files in the bottom of this screen. Just type in a new file name with a *.txt
extension and it will save file or load file with the time slip you created.
Click on “Race” and then click on “Race Screen” to start into the Race Program. You
will see the “Race Setup” Screen appear (See Below). The Race Setup Screen is where you
will make changes to the RACE ROUND, RACE CATEGORY, and RACE TYPE. It is also
where you will setup the Results Database (Race Day File) and select the Racers.db and the
category.db files. There is also a check box where you can turn “on” or “off” rerun checks
during time trials. This is a useful feature if you want to make sure each vehicle is only getting
one time trial per round.
The Results Database must be created every Race Day. It is your record of runs made
down your race track. The results file must take the format Year, Month, & Day. An example
would be a race on May 29, 1999. The file should be typed in as 990529.db. If you get
partially rained out and want to finish racing on another day, you can always reopen this file
and add more results to it. It just makes sense to label your results this way so that if you want
to retrieve data at a later date about a specific race, you can easily find the data.
You must also make sure that you put this file into a separate directory. This is
important because you will be making a tremendous amount of result files and they would be
best kept in separate directories and a new one setup each year. The format that we use is to