PortaTree Silver Box Professional User Manual
Page 12
on the screen with each of the race day files that you have in your Results directory
(RESULTS – Alias). By Clicking On the file for the race day that you want to view, a
temporary file is created with all of the results for that file. The Update DataLog Button below
the name of the Race Day File can be used when you return to this screen and only want to
add the information that is new. This feature saves a lot of time in loading the data because
the system only has to add the records since the last time that you undated the Data Log. It is
required that you keep the Data Log program open when using the Update DataLog Button.
The Print Buttons are self explanatory. The 3 buttons on the Right side of the screen
are for selecting information by Time Trial, Qualification, or Elimination in the Category and / or
Round that you select. The 3 on the Left side of the screen are for printing the entire results or
for an individual entry number.
The navigator bar at the top of the screen is for moving through records. There are
search buttons so that you can search for certain Car Numbers, Categories, etc. The File
folder on the Right of the Tool Bar is the Project Viewer and you can open different forms at
the same time.
At the Main Portatree Menu, Click on Qualifying and then qualify to enter the qualifying
program. There are 7 ways to qualify in the Category Editor and when you select a Category
Name, the program looks up the Qual Mode field in the Category Editor and proceeds to
qualify the vehicles this order.
You must select a Race Day File first and then the racer’s database that you intend to
qualify. Then you must “CLICK ON” the Category Name and a list of all 32 categories